
regions module

Handle geographic regions, which can be nested within one another.

This automatically loads the TDWG regions, together with indexes of names and ISO country codes (see for details of the data sources). They are accessible via the module variables tdwg, names and iso, as well as specific TDWG levels in tdwg_levels[1] - tdwg_levels[4]. The variable index combines these three sets of names for convenience.

Example usage:

regions.tdwg["IND"]     # TDWG level 3 region (most of India)
regions.names["India"]  # The country
i = regions.ISO["IN"]   # The country (ISO code)
regions.index["India"]  # .index includes all codes and names
print(i.children)       # Show immediate subregions

for subregion in i:     # Gets all subregions, down to the smallest

## Test if a region is in a larger region:
"NET" in regions.names["Europe"]  # True: The Netherlands is in Europe
"NET" in regions.tdwg["14"]       # False (14 is Eastern Europe, TDWG level 2)

for region in regions.tdwg_levels[1]:
    print(     # tdwg_levels has a set of the regions at each level

You can also use the add to the hierarchy, or create your own (e.g. for a much smaller area). See the Map class.



Call this function to load the TDWG set of world regions.

If the ‘load-tdwg-regions’ config value is True, this will be called when the module is imported.

taxonome.regions.find_tdwg(name, level=3, index=None)

Find the set of TDWG regions at a given level corresponding to a given name.

name : str
The name or code to search for.
level : int
The target TDWG level (1-4). Defaults to 3.
index :
The index to use for looking up names/codes. Defaults to names. Others available in this module are: tdwg, ISO (two-letter ISO country codes, e.g NL) and combinedindex (which checks tdwg, names and ISO).
A set of TDWG codes; either all the regions contained within the specified region, or the single region which contains or matches the specified region.

Raises: KeyError if the name/code is not found.

taxonome.regions.tdwgise(namegroup, level=3, index=None)

Transform an iterable of names to a set of TDWG regions at a particular level.

Note that, if the input specifies a larger region than the required tdwg level, the output will include all subregions of that region. This may lead to some inaccuracies - e.g. a species recorded as occurring in ‘Africa’ will appear to occur all over Africa.

Parameters: The same as find_tdwg(), except that the first parameter is an iterable of names.

A pair of sets: the matching TDWG codes at the specified level, and any names which could not be matched.

Map class

class taxonome.regions.Map

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