.. _customreaders: Reading specific data sources ============================= At present, to use these tools, you must have Taxonome installed as a Python package (not just the application). I may make standalone versions in the future. I hope that more tools will be added to this page as people use Taxonome with other data sources. If you write a script to read a particular data source, please get in touch so that it can be listed. .. _reader_kew_grass: Kew grass synonymy ------------------ This requires `MDB tools `_, which at the time of writing is avaible for Linux and Mac OS X. * Download and unzip the `database from Kew's website `_. * Download the `necessary files to read it `_ into one folder. * Run ``./extract_grasssyn.sh grassFlora.mdb`` ILDIS legume database --------------------- * Download the `ILDIS Explorer `_ application, and find the ``Pages.dtx`` data file. * Download the `script to read it `_. * Run ``python3 ildis_extract.py Pages.dtx``