Configuration ============= Taxonome can be configured with an INI style configuration file, located at :file:`~/.taxonome/taxonome.cfg`, which you can change with a text editor. The default options are:: [main] # Threshold for matching differently spelled species names, between 0 # (anything matches) and 1 (exact matches only). name-fuzzy-threshold = 0.85 # Threshold for matching species authorities. author-fuzzy-threshold = 0.6 # Load the TDWG regions when Taxonome is loaded? load-tdwg-regions = True # HTTP user agent for making API calls. user-agent = Taxonome (in testing) [cache] location = ~/.taxonome expiry-days = 30 # Clean old entries from caches when Taxonome is loaded? (Currently unused) clean-on-load = True # This is the location to store choices made by the user when selecting # ambiguous names. user-choices = %(location)s/user_choices [api-keys] # Programmatic users have to request their own API key tropicos =